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Secure a vibrant future for the Performing arts at the Tobin center

Leave a lasting legacy that assures excellence in arts education, community engagement, and programming with your charitable gift.

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Fixed Income for Retirement

Fixed Income for Retirement
After working for decades as a pediatrician in a small town, Patricia is ready to retire. Patricia has enough saved for retirement, but she is concerned about the impact a drop in the stock market would have on her retirement savings.

Patricia: While I was working, I bought stock every year. Overall, this was a good investment strategy. The stock grew in value considerably. Now that I am retiring, I need a new strategy — one that protects my savings so that my situation won't change even with changes in the markets.

Patricia spoke with a friend who recently set up a charitable gift annuity with her favorite charity. Patricia called our organization and learned that she would receive a good payout based on her age and that she would receive a charitable income tax deduction and part of the payment from the annuity would be tax free.

Patricia: I transferred my stock to fund a charitable gift annuity. I was delighted with the fixed payment I received. I avoided part of the capital gains tax, and my CPA was pleased that my charitable deduction will save taxes this year. With my tax savings and increased income, I can afford to travel to see my grandchildren several times this year!

Is a charitable gift annuity right for you?

The payout for charitable gift annuities will vary depending on the age of the donor. Please contact us to inquire about current payout rates or if you have any questions about charitable gift annuities.

*Please note: The name and image above are representative of a typical donor and may or may not be an actual donor to our organization. Since your gift annuity benefits may be different, you may want to click here to view an example of your benefits.

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To provide a world-class venue that promotes a diverse range of cultural, educational, and artistic experiences that improve the quality of life in San Antonio

Tobin Center Residents

Classical Musical Institute The Children's Chorus of San Antonio Ballet San Antonio Opera San Antonio Yosa